Current Employees

Faculty and Staff



Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment begins Nov. 1, 2023, and ends Nov. 15, 2023, for the plan year covering Jan. 1–Dec. 31, 2024.


During Open Enrollment eligible faculty and staff have the opportunity to review, renew and make changes to select benefit plans. You may:

  • Enroll, cancel or make changes to Health Plan benefit elections (Medical, Dental, Vision)
  • Add or drop dependents, based on Health Plan eligibility requirements (see dependent eligibility guidelines)
  • Enroll in Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) — continued participation requires re-enrollment each plan year
  • Make elections for voluntary group term life insurance (VGTLI) spouse and/or child(ren) coverage

Even if you are making no other changes, be sure to review your benefit information to ensure no changes are necessary. Open enrollment is also a good time to review your designated beneficiaries to determine if any changes are needed.

Important Dates

Be sure to note the following important dates applicable to Open Enrollment:

  • Nov. 115, 2023— Open Enrollment for the 2022 plan year. Submit your benefit election enrollment forms manually by printing, completing and submitting appropriate form(s) listed below to the Office of Human Resources.
  • Nov. 15, 2023 — The deadline to submit your benefit election forms to the Office of Human Resources.
  • Jan. 1, 2024 — The date that benefit plan elections made during this Open Enrollment period become effective.
  • Jan. 1Dec. 31, 2024 — The plan year during which benefit plan elections made during this Open Enrollment period will be effective. Also, a new opportunity to earn HRA dollars in Your Plan 4 Health will begin Jan. 1, 2024.

Benefits Plan Information

Benefits through The Ohio State University Health Plan

Open Enrollment Benefits Presentation
Benefits Overview Book
What’s Changing in 2024
Dependent Eligibility
Medical and Prescription Drug Benefits
Dental and Vision Plans
Your Plan for Health
Life Insurance

Health Benefits Summaries

Medical and prescription:

Dental and vision:

Health reimbursement account (HRA)
Voluntary group life insurance (VGTLI) - Minnesota Life for Dependents Only
Voluntary group life insurance (VGTLI) – Anthem Life Form for Employee and Dependents
Aflac Short-Term Disability Provider

FSA Flexible Spending Accounts through COTC

Flexible Spending Account Participant Benefits
Flexible Spending Account Eligible Expenses
TASC FSA savings calculator
MyTASC mobile app


Enrollment Forms

Medical, Dental and Vision Open Enrollment Form
Voluntary Group Term Life Insurance (VGTLI) Enrollment Minnesota Form Life for Dependents Only
Voluntary group life insurance (VGTLI) – Anthem Life Form for Employee and Dependents
FSA Flexible Spending Account Enrollment 2024
Aflac Short-term Disability Provider

Other Forms and Information

Group Term Life Insurance Beneficiary Designation
Group Term Life Insurance Waiver of Entitlement

Biometric Screening

Don’t put your health on hold. It’s important to continue preventive care, such as your annual well exam or biometric screening. Enrolled faculty and staff can earn a $25/month premium credit, or up to $40/month with an enrolled spouse, off of employee medical plan contributions by completing a Personal Health and Well-being Assessment (PHA) and a verified Biometric Screening.

Deadline To Earn Premium Credit

Your verified biometric screening must be completed between 1/1/2024 and 12/29/2024 to earn premium credit. To earn YP4H points, values must be received by 5 p.m. on 12/20/2024.

Your verified Biometric Screening, consisting of height, weight, blood pressure, total cholesterol, HDL, and blood sugar value (either glucose or A1C), can be completed in the following way.

If you complete an on-campus screening* you will automatically receive credit for completing the verified biometric screening.

  • On Feb. 27, May 8, Aug. 30 and Oct. 15 the OSU Health Plan’s (OSUHP) RN Health Promotion Specialist(s) will be in Hopewell Hall Room 53 to complete complimentary biometric screenings* for our campus. See below for screening registration details.

On-Campus Biometric Screening Registration

If you would like to register for the upcoming biometric health screening event for our campus, follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the registration portal
  2. Log in with your Ohio State credentials (last name.# and password)
  3. Click “Schedule Appointment or Class”
  4. Select “Biometric Health Screening” as the appointment type.
  5. In the From date box, place 2/27/24. In the Thru date box, place 10/15/24.
  6. Under Location, click on Regional Campuses.
  7. To search for an available time, click “Find Appointments or Classes.” This will show only the appointments available for this screening event.
  8. Complete registration to schedule the appointment.

If you experience any difficulty, please contact OSUHP Customer Service at 614.292.4700.

Personal Health and Well-being Assessment (PHA)

Once you’ve completed a verified Biometric Screening, you will need to complete the PHA (under “Health” tab in your Virgin Pulse account). It will be listed as “Surveys.”

Once you’ve completed a verified Biometric Screening, your values will automatically load to your YP4H/Virgin Pulse account by the next day or two.

Confirm Screening and PHA Completion

When your verified Biometric Screening and PHA have been processed, it will be reflected in your Virgin Pulse account. To confirm completion, log in to your Virgin Pulse account and select “REWARDS” under the Home tab. When you see a checkmark beside the PHA and screening descriptions, you have completed the requirements to earn the premium credit.

Screenshot of Your Plan for Health.

Privacy & Participation

Participation in YP4H biometric screenings, PHA and the incentive program is completely voluntary. To learn how your personal information is protected, please visit Your Privacy.

NOTE: Spouses have a unique requirement regarding consent. A spouse must complete the consent that is displayed to them when completing the PHA before they start earning rewards. This consent allows permission for secure data to flow from the OSU Health Plan (OSUHP) to Virgin Pulse, to comply with current regulations when offering wellness services and programming to spouses. This means anything that the OSUHP is responsible for administering, including biometric health screening status, biometric health value reporting, participating in health plan programs (e.g. coaching, care coordination, etc.), will not be sent to Virgin Pulse until the PHA and corresponding consent is completed, thus delaying when points appear for spouses.

*As a reminder, you are only eligible for one on-campus screening per calendar year. If you are unsure of when your last screening took place, please log in to Link To Health and click on the “Biometric Health Data” tab to view your history.


Benefits and Life Events

Benefits Eligibility

The Benefits Eligibility Chart, indicates benefits eligibility by appointment type & FTE and provides links to additional information about each benefit.

Leave and COVID-19 Pandemic

Open for Business

The college is open and fulfilling its mission. All work options, including telework, are to be explored before seeking leave due to the pandemic.

COTC Leave Policies

COTC recognizes that supporting faculty and staff in balancing career and personal life benefits the institution and its most important resource, people.

The college’s standard leave policies are available:

Families First Act

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act’s provisions for “emergency paid sick leave” and “expanded family and medical leave” expired on Dec. 31, 2020.

Notice of Privacy Practices (HIPAA)

This Notice of Privacy Practices describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. 

Life Events and Pre-tax Benefits

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations permit employees to drop, add or change benefit plans paid with pre-tax dollars during the plan year when a “qualifying status change” occurs. Changes to benefits choices must be made within 30 days of the status change.

Qualifying status changing events include:

  • Marriage
  • Divorce, legal separation or annulment
  • Death of employee, spouse or dependent
  • Birth, adoption or placement of adoption of child
  • Employment status changes for the employee, employee’s spouse or dependent, e.g., beginning or ending employment (including retirement) or unpaid leave of absence
  • Dependent turning aging 26

Except for these types of events, employees may only change their pre-tax benefits choices during the annual open enrollment period.

Generally, changes may be made to benefits paid with after-tax dollars at anytime. 

Employee Discounts

Employee discounts available through The Ohio State University EAP

Franklin University tuition discount for employees

Verizon Wireless

  • 15% off plans & 25% off accessories
  • To claim your Verizon Wireless discount, log in to myCOTC and hover over the menu logo located on the far upper left corner of the landing page, open the “Human Resources” tab and choose “Verizon Discount.”

Western Governor's University 5% Employee Discount


Professional Development

LinkedIn Learning

Available for free through a partnership with The Ohio State University, LinkedIn Learning is an industry leader in online training, with a digital library of more than 18,000 courses covering a wide range of technical, business, software and creative topics. Sharpen your skills on your schedule with expert-led instruction from any device, anywhere.

Learn more about LinkedIn Learning

Higher Education

COTC encourages faculty and staff to pursue higher education to enrich their lives and to develop the highest quality workforce. To support employees pursuing higher education, the college allows faculty and staff to enroll in college courses and/or degree-granting programs and provides tuition assistance for up to 10 credit hours of coursework per academic semester. Review the Employee Fee Reimbursement policy for details. 

Employee Fee Reimbursement Policy

COTC offers tuition assistance to the dependents of eligible faculty and staff members. Review the Dependent Fee Remission policy for details.

Dependent Fee Remission Policy

Teaching and Learning Center

The Teaching and Learning Center at COTC supports excellence in teaching and learning through a variety of professional development initiatives. The TLC seeks to support faculty and staff professional development through strategic programming, coaching, mentorship, and by leveraging peer-to-peer communities of learning. 

Visit the Teaching and Learning Center


Equal Employment for Individuals with Disabilities

It is the policy of COTC that discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities is prohibited. Pursuant to the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), Titles I and II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the college provides equal employment opportunities and reasonable accommodation for qualified individuals with disabilities.

If you need an accommodation, contact Sue Wadley, HR director, at 740.755.7345 or

Equal Employment for Individuals with Disabilities Policy


Preventing Discrimination and Harassment

As a college employee, you share in the responsibility for assuring that the college maintains an environment for work and study that is free from discrimination and harassment.

The college seeks to eliminate sexual harassment by encouraging employees to report concerns or complaints and through education.

Learn more about Title IX