A young patient wears a breathing mask while being examined by a doctor.

Respiratory Therapy
now enrolling

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Your future |starts here.

Wherever you are in your journey, COTC is here to help you achieve your college and career goals.


Autumn Semester 2024 President’s and Dean’s Honors Lists

Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) has released the President’s Honors List and the Dean’s Honors List for autumn semester 2024 to recognize students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement.


COTC Coshocton Campus

COTC’s vision is to empower lives through accessible education, and that vision is rooted throughout our three-county service area of Licking, Knox and Coshocton. However, we also remain committed to the long-term financial stability of the institution. The sustainability of the organization requires improved organizational efficacy as well as strategic and consistent resource allocation.