

COTC Coshocton Campus

History and Future of Montgomery Hall

COTC’s vision is to empower lives through accessible education, and that vision is rooted throughout our three-county service area of Licking, Knox and Coshocton. However, we also remain committed to the long-term financial stability of the institution. The sustainability of the organization requires improved organizational efficacy as well as strategic and consistent resource allocation.


COTC Recognizes Alumni Award Recipients

John B. Jordan stands with COTC President John Berry and COTC Alumni Council President Becky Smith after receiving the Barker Community Service Alumni Award.

Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) presented three alumni awards to graduates who demonstrated remarkable achievements in their careers and have used their success to positively impact the lives of youth in the community, past and present healthcare students, and those affected by substance use disorders and behavioral health conditions.


Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Welcomes New Inductees

PTK inductees, COTC staff and TC the cat mascot attend an induction ceremony for new members.

PTK recognizes and encourages scholarship among two-year college students. PTK provides opportunities for the development of leadership and service, an intellectual climate and exchange of ideas, lively fellowship for scholars, and stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.


COTC President Receives Ohio State Career Achievement Award

Portrait of COTC President John Berry standing on the Newark campus.

Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) President John M. Berry, PhD, was one of two recipients of The Ohio State University’s Career Achievement Award, which honors alumni who have made outstanding contributions to their professions and a difference in the lives of others.


COTC Hosts Continuing Sonography Education Conference

Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) hosted the Continuing Sonography Education Conference on Oct. 12, 2024. Led by the diagnostic medical sonography technology (DMS) program, this event brought together sonographers, alumni, radiology managers, students and clinical partners from across central Ohio for a day of professional growth and collaboration. 


Faculty Present at Ohio Communication Association Conference

James Jarc and Sharon Chuang stand in a conference room at the Ohio Communication Association annual conference.

The Ohio Communication Association (OCA) welcomed educators and scholars from across the state, including Central Ohio Technical College’s (COTC) Assistant Professor Hsun-Yu (Sharon) Chuang, PhD, and Dean of Arts and Sciences James Jarc, EdD. As part of this year’s theme, Communication Rocks: Amplifying the Discipline, Chuang and Jarc presented their research, contributing to the statewide conversation on communication, equity and innovation in education.


Peace Officer Graduates Sworn In

AG Dave Yost Gives Graduation Speech

COTC cadets stand in a line between the Licking County Sheriff's and COTC's police academy  vehicles in front of the John Gilbert Reese Center on the day of their graduation.

Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) saw 15 cadets graduate from the Peace Officer Basic Training (POBT) program on Friday, Sept. 26. Each cadet successfully passed the state certification exam on their first attempt and were all sworn in as sheriff deputies at the graduation ceremony.


Licking County Photo Contest Award Winners

The Licking County Courthouse and a fountain list up at night.

The Ohio State University at Newark and Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) hosted a public art photography contest that ran from May through July. Community members were encouraged to submit photos of public art in six categories, including sculpture, mural, people, animals, nature’s influence and other.


Dorian Harrison Named Diversity Award Recipient

Diversity Award recipient Dorian Harrison with her award plaque stands between Ohio State Newark Dean and Director Matthew Smith and COTC President John Berry.

Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) President John M. Berry, PhD,  and The Ohio State University at Newark Dean and Director Matthew Smith, PhD, presented the prestigious President’s and Dean/Director’s Diversity Award to Dorian Harrison, PhD, on Sept. 6.


Amy White Named 2024 Greenstein Award Recipient

Greenstein Award recipient Amy White stands between Ohio State Newark Dean and Director Matthew Smith and COTC President John Berry holding her award plaque.

The Ohio State University at Newark Dean and Director Matt Smith, PhD, and Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) President John M. Berry, PhD, presented the prestigious Julius S. and Joette Greenstein Award to Amy White on Sept. 5.


Alumni Awards Call for Nominations

Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) is accepting calls for nominations for three alumni awards: the Outstanding Alumni Award, the John C. “Jay” Barker Community Service Alumni Award and the Transitions Alumni Award.