Office of Student Life


Mission Statement ​

The Office of Student Life at the Newark campus strives to cultivate a campus community where students can achieve success and become responsible citizens. Our purpose is to support the university’s mission by providing service​s and programs, encouraging student learning in and out of the classroom, and developing a diverse community which​ is educationally purposeful, open, just, disciplined, caring and celebrative. ​​

Vision Statement 

The Office of Student Life intentionally creates an involved community to promote students’ well-being, personal development and commitment to the common good through transforming experiences. To provide our students with an opportunity to develop these dimensions, the Office of Student Life offers an array of programs, services and activities.

John L. and Christine Warner Library and Student Center
Room 226


John Davenport headshot.
John Davenport, PhD
Dean of Students

Holly Mason headshot.
Holly Mason
Associate Dean of Students

Amanda Waser headshot.
Amanda Waser
Office Coordinator

Megan BeVier headshot.
Megan BeVier
Administrative Associate, Residence Life

Abby Blanchard headshot
Abby Blanchard
Program Assistant, Recreational Sports

Shantrice Bradley headshot.
Shantrice Bradley
Housing Coordinator, Residence Life

Mackenzie Conley headshot.
Mackenzie Conley, LPCC
Mental Health Counselor, Counseling Services

Charles DePriest headshot.
Charles DePriest, MA, LPCC-S
Lead Mental Health Counselor, Counseling Services

Tim Goetz headshot.
Tim Goetz
Manager, Career Development & Experiential Learning

Jillian Hupp headshot.
Jillian Pfeffer-Hupp
Access Specialist, Disability Services

Kathleen Reed headshot.
Kathleen Reed, LPCC
Mental Health Counselor, Counseling Services

Stephanie Rowland headshot.
​Stephanie Rowland
Director, Disability Services​

Jeffrey Storer headshot.
Jeffrey Storer
Program Coordinator, Recreational Sports




Sexual Violence Prevention and Response

​Sexual Violence Education & Support

We are the area within the Office of Student Life that addresses situations of sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner abuse, and sexual harassment. We cover the prevention and the education aspect, as well as the advocacy and support aspect of sexual violence.

​​Support and Advocacy
Sexual Violence Prevention and Response
Contact Student Life at 740.364.9578


Title IX

​​​​​​​Title IX is a federal law passed in 1972 that prohibits sex-based discrimination in all activities and programs of educational institutions receiving federal funds.  Prohibited sex-based discrimination includes pregnancy discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual violence.