Department of Public Safety


The Department of Public Safety is committed to providing a safe environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors. We work closely with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies regarding the reporting and investigation of crime, and we have a mutual aid agreement with the Newark Police Department. The Ohio State University provides university police officers and additional resources for the safety of our campuses. We encourage accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to the appropriate agency.


John L. and Christine Warner Library and Student Center, #105
1219 University Drive

Phone: 740.366.9237
Emergency Cancellation Line: 740.755.7193

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency – Police/Fire/Medical: 9-1-1
State Highway Patrol: 740.587.0786
Licking County Sheriff: 740.670.6555
Poison Control Center: 800.222.1222

Safety Tips

You are the first line of defense, the eyes and ears watching out for the safety of our campus. All of us must take responsibility for our own safety and assist those around us. See something, say something!  Please consider the following safety tips:

  • Register for the Campus Emergency Alert System at myCOTC to receive the most up-to-date crime information and campus notices.
  • Always dial 9-1-1 in emergencies.
  • Be aware of your surroundings; report any crimes or suspicious behavior to Public Safety immediately at 740.366.9237 (please enter this number into your mobile phone).
  • Report power outages to maintenance at 740.366.9363 or Public Safety at 740.366.9237.
  • If you feel uncomfortable walking into a secluded area, you can request a Safety Escort anytime by calling Public Safety at 740.366.9237. 
  • Always carry a mobile phone and consider carrying a whistle or other noise making device that can be used to attract attention or summon assistance.
  • If you do encounter someone presenting harassing/threatening behavior, immediately go to the nearest occupied campus building to report the incident or call Public Safety at 740.366.9237.
  • Skateboards, roller blades, roller skates, scooters and roller shoes are prohibited on campus property except for the bike path. Student offenders will be processed through judicial proceeding, if necessary, and the Newark Police Department will be contacted for general public offenders.
  • The posted speed limit is 10 mph in all parking lots and 25 mph on University Drive that encircles the campus.

RUN. HIDE. FIGHT. Surviving an Active Shooter Event

How to Respond to an Active Aggressor Situation

Finding yourself in an active aggressor situation can cause extreme panic and disorientation. But if you know what to do ahead of time, your chances of surviving this type of emergency situation are greatly increased. Learn more.

Department of Public Safety


Public Safety Services

The Department of Public Safety issues student, faculty and staff IDs and parking permits and offers FBI/BCI background checks and fingerprinting and a safety escort service.


Crime and Safety Information

Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

An AED is a lightweight, battery-operated, portable device that checks the heart’s rhythm and sends a shock to the heart to restore a normal rhythm. The device is used to help people having sudden cardiac arrest. Defibrillators are located in every campus building except for the North Classroom. If use is initiated, 9-1-1 should also be called.


Emergency Closing Information

Should the closure of any COTC campus be necessary due to weather or other emergencies, text announcements will be sent via the Campus Emergency Alert System. An announcement will also be placed on the COTC homepage and on the college emergency closing phone line at 740.755.7193.

Campus Closure

When the closing of a physical campus is necessary due to inclement weather or other emergencies: