COTC Promise

Free College for Eligible Knox and Coshocton County Residents

Young man standing outside, smiling.

We’re invested in you.

What is the COTC Promise?

COTC guarantees that tuition (instructional and general fees) will be entirely covered by institutional, federal and state aid as well as private scholarships.

Who is eligible for the COTC Promise?

Other COTC Promise eligibility information:
  • Open to new, current or returning COTC students who do not already hold a bachelor’s degree or an associate degree.
  • Open to students enrolled in an aid-eligible COTC degree or certificate program.
  • Current and returning COTC students must meet the standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • Students must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA and continue meeting the standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress and maintain all other federal eligibility requirements each semester enrolled at COTC to maintain COTC Promise eligibility.
  • Eligibility determined each year based on household income on the FAFSA and continued county residency.
  • Enroll in as little as one credit hour in your program each semester.
  • No lifetime dollar limit to Promise awards.

Where can eligible students use COTC Promise funds?

Enroll at any COTC campus or online.

How can students apply for the COTC Promise?

There is no separate application for the COTC Promise.

Students who have been admitted to COTC, completed the FAFSA and submitted any additional documentation requested for the financial aid process will automatically be considered.

Take These Steps:
  • Apply and be admitted to COTC.
  • Complete the FAFSA (students are encouraged to file the FAFSA by the priority filing date) for intended first semester of enrollment, and annually thereafter.
  • Receive your notification letter.
  • Register for classes.

Learn more

COTC Knox campus: 740.392.2526

COTC Coshocton campus: 740.622.1408


Schedule an appointment


Initial Knox Promise funds are made possible through a unique collaboration between COTC and four visionary and generous funding partners — the Ariel Foundation, the Knox County Foundation, Mark and Denise Ramser, and Gordy and Fran Yance. 

COTC Promise is initially possible in Coshocton County through a partnership between COTC and the Coshocton Foundation’s Clarence and Grace Miller Scholarship endowment.