Statement of Purpose


The program addresses the functions and organization of the criminal justice system, integrating critical thinking, decision-making skills and the understanding of different cultures, ethics and social problems into the curriculum. The program provides students with comprehensive and practical knowledge that addresses the diverse professional areas of the criminal justice system that include policing, courts, probation and parole, and homeland security.

Program Outcomes
  1. Demonstrate competency requirements in entry-level position in CJ system.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge through the study of gen ed courses with enhanced communication skills and a comprehensive knowledge of human behavior dynamics through the behavioral science courses.
  3. Identify and demonstrate problem-solving skills.
  4. Perform their professional duties with the highest regard for the U.S. Constitution.
  5. Develop independent and lifelong learning habits.
  6. Prepare to transfer to a four-year college or university to receive a baccalaureate degree in criminal justice after completing their associate degree at COTC.