GED Test Center ​


Lori LeVeque, Testing Coordinator

GED Process

  • COTC’s Coshocton Campus is the official GED Test Site (Pearson VUE certified) for Coshocton County.
  • GED testing is typically scheduled for the first Thursday of each month.
  • Students needs to be at the testing site – Room 444 – at 8:30 a.m., with testing starting at 9.
  • A photo ID is required to take the test. Completion time depends on the number of subjects taken.
  • If needing to reschedule after already registered for a testing group, the student is responsible for making arrangements with GED Testing Service at 877.392.6433 prior to the day of testing. If done in advance, the student can likely test the next month instead without repayment.​

GED Registration

Many of the 12 monthly GED testing seats at COTC Coshocton are filled with students from the ABLE Program at Coshocton County Job & Family Services, and enrolled students are guided through the registration process when ready to test. However, seats are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis, so individuals wanting to take the test on their own can do so by completing the following steps (have an established e-mail address and photo ID ready beforehand): 

  1.  Sign up for an Ohio SAFE Account user name and password through the Ohio Department of Education.
  2.  After SAFE Account registration is finalized (via e-mail confirmation), go to and sign up for a MyGED page
  3. To obtain a voucher number to help pay for the test (first time only in each subject), agree to voucher participation on the MyGED registration, then later contact one of the listed Career Technical Planning Districts (CTPDs) to acquire the voucher.
  4. Register to take the test at COTC Coshocton via your MyGED page. If a voucher number was obtained, enter it at the payment screen before making the remainder of the payment with a debit or credit card. The entire test consists of four subjects (Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies) and costs $30 per subject. Students do not have to take all of the subjects the same day.
  5.  After taking the test, view results within 24 hours on your MyGED page.  The official GED Ready practice test is also available to take on your page for $6 per subject.​​​