Accreditation Information


National Accreditation

The business management technology associate degree program is nationally accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
11520 West 119th Street
Overland Park, Kansas 66213
Phone: 913.339.9356 
Fax: 913.339.6226

Credit Hours

BUS Credit Hours - These graphs describe the total student credit hours generated for COTC overall, and specific business course data.

Course Outcomes

BUS Course Outcomes - This information depicts business course success rates by each business subject with grades, withdrawal rates and enrollment distributions.

Assessment Map and Data

BMT Assessment Map and Data - This information provides the business department’s assessment data and map relevant to the College General Education Outcomes and specific Business Department learning outcomes. 

Business Technologies Graduation Action Plan

Student and Stakeholder Goals

As part of our accreditation, COTC surveys graduates of the business program to learn how many continue their education and/or are employed in their field of study. 

Student Achievements