Tutoring Services
Face-to-Face and Online
COTC offers free tutoring to all students in a variety of subjects.
Face-to-Face Tutoring
- Located in Hopewell Hall 84
- Available on a walk-in basis
- Check schedule for availability
- Most extended campus hours are limited
- Nursing tutoring sessions are 30 minutes; sessions for all other subjects are 45 minutes
Newark Campus schedule
Extended Campus schedule
Online Tutoring
- Limit of two sessions per class per week, one per day
- Takes place via Zoom
- Appointments are 45 minutes long
Schedule an online appointment
Online Paper Submission
- Writing assignments can be submitted for asynchronous review
- Assignments are returned within 72 hours; longer wait times may be expected during high volume periods
- Assignments must be a Microsoft Word doc
For more information about tutoring, please contact John McCauley at mccauley.4@mail.cotc.edu or 740.755.7764.