Sexual Harassment

Any deliberate or repeated language, behavior, or visual display that causes a person fear, anxiety, shame, or embarrassment.

Signs that it could be sexual harassment

  • ​Sexual comments or inappropriate references to gender
  • Sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes, or anecdotes regardless of the means of communication (oral, written, electronic, etc.)
  • Unwanted touching, patting, hugging, brushing against a person’s body or staring
  • Inquiries or commentaries about sexual activity, experience, or orientation
  • Display of inappropriate or sexually oriented material in locations where others can view them​

​Sexual Harassment vs. Flirting​

Sexual harassment makes the receiver feel:​ ​Flirting makes the receiver feel:​
Bad Good
Angry/sad Happy
Demeaned Flattered
Ugly Pretty/Attractive
Powerless In control
Sexual harassment results in:​ Flirting results in:
Negative self-esteem Positive self-esteem
Sexual harassment is p​erceived as: Flirting is perceived as:​
One-sided Reciprocal
Demeaning Flattering
Degrading Open
Invading A Compliment
Sexual harassment is:​​ Flirting is:​
Unwanted Wanted
Power-motivated Equally-motivated
Illegal Legal

​​What to do if you are harassed

  • Tell the harasser that the behavior is offensive and that you want it to stop
  • Document the problem behavior: date, time, place, witnesses, specific behaviors (this could include saving text messages or emails)
  • Report the harassment to your RA, Assistant Hall Director (ADH), Hall Director (HD), work supervisor, etc.
  • Contact the Student Life Office | (740) 364-9578
  • Seek counseling from Counseling Services​
  • For the university’s stance on sexual harassment see: OSU Code of Student Conduct Sexual Harassment by Students​

​Get Help!​